What Do I Need To Know Before My Examination?
Following a complimentary consultation, you will have the opportunity to undergo a comprehensive structural orthogonal chiropractic examination. Unlike some other offices where the exam is done in ten minutes by someone other than the doctor, this exam will be thoroughly performed by Dr. Lordan to identify the nature of your structural shift. The exam will include:
- Precision Digital Structural Radiographs
- Precision Structural Analysis
- Laser Assessed Sensory Motor Integration
- Orthopedic and Neurologic tests
- Laser Guided Foundation Assessment
- Weight Distribution Assessment
**Please be prepared to dress for an examination. For the most accurate structural assessment it is required that you have athletic/gym shorts available. Women should also come with a sports bra or similar top. If you have long hair please be able to put your hair up during the exam.**
After the examination, if a structural shift has been confirmed, a follow up conference to review the results will be scheduled. Dr. Lordan will discuss the nature of your specific structural shift, treatment options, and then proceed with your first structural correction.
Treatment Options
There are a wide variety of treatment options available today. Typically, patients move toward greater levels of risk and invasiveness as time goes by and symptoms remain, or worsen. Generally treatments have different methods and goals. Commonly:
Over the counter medications, herbal and home remedies attempt to turn down or shut off symptoms. When they fail…
Prescription medications attempt to offer pharmaceutical pain and symptom relief. If medication doesn’t work…
Physical therapy may be used to strengthen muscles, address spasm, or increase mobility. When this does not work…
Pain management with more, and stronger meds, are prescribed, or Injections programs to calm the site of pain. When this approach fails…
Cutting or burning of nerves may be attempted. Or, more invasive procedures like…
Surgery that attempts to cut out, or fuse, parts of the suspected problem…
For the correct problem, many treatment programs may be effective at the appropriate time and place. Our goal at Precision Chiropractic is to restore the structural integrity of your spine.
During the consultation and examination if Dr. Lordan finds that Precision Chiropractic isn’t right for you, we will make sure to help you find a health care provider for your specific condition.
Common Conditions
Once a structural shift is present and disrupting; the spinal nerves, the spinal cord or the cerebral spinal fluid, it can cause many different secondary conditions or symptoms. The reason these are called secondary conditions is because they are the result of a primary structural shift, or said differently, the misalignment may likely be the underlying cause. In other cases it may be part of the problem. The location of the structural shift and where the nerves are being disrupted will give us information about your secondary conditions. Some of these may include:
- Arm Pain (Upper & Lower)
- Asymmetry (Ex: low Shoulder or High Hip)
- Arthritis of the spine
- Blood Pressure
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Double Crush)
- Concussion Related Symptoms
- CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalitis)
- Cervical Myelopathy
- Degenerative Disease (Disc and Joint)
- Disc Herniation
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Muscle Spasm
- Low Back Pain
- Leg Pain (Upper & Lower)
- Migraine Headache
- Mid-Back Pain
- Muscle Spasm – Persistent
- Neck Pain
- Numbness and Tingling (Arms/Hands – Legs/Feet)
- Nerve Impingement Syndrome (Pinched Nerve)
- Scoliosis
- Sciatica
- Shoulder Pain
- Spinal Canal Stenosis
- Strength-Related Issues (Grip Strength, Drop Foot)
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Torticollis
- mTBI
- Vertigo
Other conditions have improved as well.
Complimentary Consultation
Providing Structural Corrective Chiropractic treatment to New England and beyond.
When you schedule a complimentary consultation with Precision Chiropractic you actually sit down with Dr. Lordan. At Precision Chiropractic, a consultation is a conversation, not an examination and certainly not a high-pressure sales pitch common today in many doctors offices.
When you visit our practice, two things will happen:
We will get to know you.
You will get to know Precision Chiropractic and how we may be able to help you achieve better health.
We will provide you with an overview of chiropractic, and then explain how our focus, Structural Correction with a focus on upper cervical, is quite different than traditional chiropractic. Most importantly, we will determine if this may be the solution you’ve been searching for to achieve better health.
To Schedule Your Appointment Call: 203-488-2033.